Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Point of View

For the very first assignment this semester in 110 I assigned my students an activity similar to what Dr. Weaver had us do in 620. I asked my students to make a collague from magazine clippings and words/visuals/drawings from anywhere describing their view of writing. What does it mean to them? I told them the inferences could be positive or negative, depending on their expierences. I wanted their own point of view of how they see themselves as writers. Then I had the students get into small groups and explain their ideas to their peers. Then everyone put their collague on the floor in a big clump where everyone could walk around and view all of them. I wanted the students to see that we had many different experiences and places of expertise relating to writing that we were bringing together into one classroom.
I then asked students to enlarge their view of themselves as writers. I asked them to consider their experience with journalling, facebook, my-space,email, etc. At the end of the excercise my goal was to give them an enlarged point of view regarding writing and the ways in which people view it and partake in it.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Charity, it sounds like that assignment worked well for you! I guess that would be a good activity to serve as an icebreaker and also to help students relax about their writing. Thanks for the idea of using this collage in 110--maybe I'll do it next semester.